The SAGES Manual - Fundamentals of Laparoscopy, Torakochirurgia

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The SAGES Manual
Second Edition
The SAGES Manual
Fundamentals of Laparoscopy,
Thoracoscopy, and GI Endoscopy
Second Edition
Carol E.H. Scott-Conner, MD, PhD, MBA
Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery,
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa
With 311 Illustrations
With a Foreword by David W. Rattner, MD
Carol E.H. Scott-Conner, MD, PhD, MBA
Professor of Surgery
Department of Surgery
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Iowa City, IA 52242
Library of Congress Control Number: 2005923808
ISBN: 10: 0-387-23267-2
ISBN: 13: 978-0387-23267-6
Printed on acid-free paper.
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© 2006 The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons
All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without
the written permission of the publisher (Springer Science
SAGES (The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons)
has made resident education a priority for most of its 25-year history. In the
1990s, when there was need for additional training in minimally invasive surgery,
SAGES responded by developing multiple courses for residents and fellows to
fill in the gaps left by the spotty penetration of minimally invasive surgery in
some training programs. SAGES resident programs have been attended by more
than one thousand trainees and helped educate future surgeons to safely incor-
porate laparoscopic surgery into their practices. While a variety of atlases and
textbooks of laparoscopic surgery had been published in the mid-1990s, none
had focused on the residents’ need for a daily guide that could be carried in
a white coat pocket for immediate reference. In 1998, the first edition of
The SAGES Manual
was published. This pocket-sized manual was the first text
specifically designed to help residents understand both the indications and tech-
niques for laparoscopic and flexible endoscopic procedures and immediately
became a “best seller.” Since publication of
The SAGES Manual
seven years ago,
new minimally invasive surgical techniques have been introduced, the indica-
tions for traditional minimally invasive surgical procedures have expanded and
hence the time has come to update the manual.
Dr. Carol E.H. Scott-Conner has once again done a terrific job in selecting
the subjects to be covered and enlisting leaders in the Society to write about
areas of their own expertise. Perusing the table of contents one is struck by the
number of new chapters that Dr. Scott-Conner has added. This reflects the
substantial changes that have occurred in minimally invasive surgery—a field
that was viewed as mature in 1998 when the original manual was published! The
second edition addresses some areas that were controversial in 1998 but are now
mainstream, such as laparoscopy in pregnancy and laparoscopic colectomy for
cancer. The burgeoning area of laparoscopic bariatric surgery has been signifi-
cantly expanded. Laparoscopic pediatric surgery is another rapidly growing area
that is given significant coverage in this second edition of
The SAGES Manual.
Areas that still remain controversial, such as hand-assisted surgery and the role
of robotics in minimally invasive surgery are included. Areas that probably
should be considered unproven, such as laparoscopic esophageal resection
and endoluminal therapies, are included so that residents can be familiar with
potential future directions that minimally invasive surgery may take. In spite of
these exciting developments, it is sobering to realize that chapters on avoiding
complications in laparoscopic cholecystectomy are still necessary as bile duct
injuries continue to occur.
The SAGES Manual
is a comprehensive notebook-style reference covering
basic material that all residents should master while completing surgical train-
ing. In the near future, it is likely that competence-based testing will replace
the traditional multiple-choice format. High-stake examinations such as
SAGES Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) will test both the fund of
knowledge contained in
The SAGES Manual
, as well as the ability to apply that
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